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Facebook Race Maps App

Great news for running fans who use Facebook (btw, if you’re not already, join the 60,000 runners on our I Love Running Facebook Page), now we have a Facebook Race Maps App to help you keep up to date with races taking place around the world – from your very own dedicated section of Facebook.

Facebook Race Maps App for Runners

A map of races, which you can zoom into your region by typing it in and hitting enter. Find races near you in seconds! Click here to get the App.

Race Maps App for Facebook Page Admins

If you are a page admin, and your page is regularly trawled by runners, you can engage more of them with a “Tab” dedicated to our Race Maps App – just click the following link, select the page you want, and hey presto, its installed! Click here to add the Facebook Race Maps App to your Facebook Page.

Go back to the Tools for Runners & Running Websites home page for more Tools inspiration!